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Infrastructure as Services

Solve Your IT Problems With Our Infrastructure Solutions (Iaas). The infrastructure of IT system plays an integral role in the performance of your business.

Platform as a Services

PAAS Infrastructure Services are Designed, Deployed and Delivered just for your Business


Virtualization technology has befitted IT groups and has helped them increase their utilization rate, scalability and flexibility of their servers.

Website Hosting

We are the perfect website hosting company and believe in delivering premium web hosting services to our clients.

Website Designing

We just don’t design a website but we create an online platform for your business so you may generate high sales and revenues.








About us

Lison Is Team Of Dedicated, Experienced, Knowledgeable Specialists That Provides IT Support, Network Infrastructure And Cloud Solution To SME’s And Large Enterprise. We Have Helped Businesses Grow, Improve Efficiency, Security And Achieve Heightened Success Through Our IT Support And Technology Solutions.


We provide our customers with a 24/7 client service along with a disaster recovery plan. We will ensure that your business will not only survive a disaster but get back operational quickly. We encourage our clients to create a full disaster recovery plan so all their information remains safe with them.

We are a team of experts and technicians that have been delivering professional services for the past 10 years. Our technicians are equipped with latest technology, expertise and know how. Our stringent hiring process employs the right person so your IT systems are managed properly.

Your business information remains safe within our hands. We do not own your company’s password or network settings. All this information is available to you all the time. After every change, we update your password and network settings, thus keeping you in control of your system and your business.

You can discuss your concerns and business needs with our experts, on our free helpline number 077 11 176 157. To ensure the productivity of your business, we will assess your business and make recommendations that would help you meet your current and future business needs.


Completed Cases

with applied services.


Years of Experience

on number of industries.


Awards Winning

on various competitions.


Satisfied Customers

from all around the world.


Managed CloudLet Linson cloud services help you achieve consistency, integrity, performance and competitive edge. Whether your organization is stepping to modernization, public, private, or hybrid cloud; our expertise and outstanding services will support you through every step. Managed cloud services will help you minimize risks and costs, gain business advantage and resolve business issues.

Private cloud

Our managed private cloud services offers agility, efficiency, flexibility, extensibility, scalability and security within a single tenant dedicated environment.

Hybrid Cloud

You can deploy your infrastructure from public and private cloud both. We at Linson will build you a hybrid cloud solution according to your needs and your requirement.

AWS Cloud

Linson offers AWS reliable, scalable and inexpensive cloud computing services on-demand for its customers. We will help our customers adapt and manage AWS services.

Azure Cloud

Linson manages public, private and hybrid Microsoft azure clouding services just for you. We deliver wide range of services to our customers from planning, transformation to operations.

Managed Backup & DR Services

We provide a complete guide to our customers about RPO and RTO and build a disaster recovery plan so your business would continue to flourish.


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